Please try the following:
g correct = 0
* list with correct answer 1
local 1correct n15a n15d
* list with correct answer 2
local 2correct n15b n15c
* you can create other locals and then change values in loop
forvalues j=1(1)2 {
foreach i of local `j'correct {
replace correct = correct +1 if `i'==`j'
Oleksandr Talavera
[email protected]
Jorge Mendoza A. wrote:
Dear Statalist,
In the data I have received, question 15 , for example, has been divided
into n15a....n15j (it means there are 10 vars related to a one
question), with three possible anwers each one (1,2 or 3). One of them
is correct. I would like to generate a variable that counts the number
of correct answers for each record (individual).
The data looks like:
N15a n15b n15c n15d ...... Newvar (# of correct answers)
1 2 3 1 3
1 1 2 1 3
1 2 2 1 4
2 3 1 2 0
3 2 1 3 1
As we can see the right answer is not the same for all variables, 3 is a
"don't know" answer. Thus, for question n15a, the correct answer is 1;
for n15b is 2; for n15c is 2; for n15d is 1, etc.
Can somebody help me with this?
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