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st: Re: graph preferences in command line graph creation.

From   [email protected] (Alan Riley)
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: graph preferences in command line graph creation.
Date   Tue, 28 Jan 2003 14:50:34 -0600

Don Spady ([email protected]) wrote
> I want to create a vplplot (vertical plot of two variables, sorted by one of
> them) and there is no command to do this in the drop down graphics tab.  So
> I do it by using the command line.  However, I get a black background and
> yellow foreground.  How do I change this to a white (or whatever) background
> and a black (or whatever) foreground.  The use of the graph preferences in
> the graphics tab doesn't work.  This was very easy to do in Stata 7 but not
> at all intuitive in Stata 8.

-vplplot- is running under version control and therefore using Stata's old
graphics engine.  Don may edit the graph preferences for old-style graphs
by typing

   . oldgprefs

Within Stata 8, this launches a dialog box which provides access to
the complete set of old Stata 7 graph preferences.  The old graph
preferences may also be set from the command line; see -help gprefs-.

([email protected])
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