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st: RE: List

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: List
Date   Mon, 27 Jan 2003 13:02:19 -0000

Banya, Winston
> This may be a trivial question but I am yet to find  the 
> solution. I have a
> large dataset and would like to display some variables 
> using the LIST
> command. However I want the variable labels displayed 
> instead and I am not
> sure how to get it right. For example if the variable 
> 'ptno' has the label
> 'Patient Number' , then using list ptno, I would want 
> Patient Number to
> appear on the list rather than ptno. Can someone please 
> suggest how I can
> solve this problem?

Whatever your version of Stata, there is 
an overarching issue of finding the space
to put those variable labels, which could be 
up to 80 characters long. 

In Stata 7, I don't see that there is a way 
of doing this, short of manufacturing 
your own header which you -display- ahead
of the -list-. 

Given an identifier, such as -make- 
in the auto data, 

. tabdisp make, c(<other variables>) 

may help. 

In Stata 8, the -subvar()- option gives scope
for an automated way of tuning what -list- 
shows. You still need to worry about abbreviations. 

[email protected] 
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