David Airey <[email protected]> points out that my first quess was
> Thanks, but no, Jeff, I did not type gr 7 at any point. Why would one
> command go to gr7 output and another to the new graphics window if I
> did in two command lines? Please try it for yourself on a machine
> running OS X and the latest Stata 8/SE. My other question still stands
> as well.
> Here again:
> . version
> version 8
> . sysuse auto, clear
> (1978 Automobile Data)
> .kdensity length <-- goes to gr7 output
> . tw kdensity length <-- goes to new graphics output
> Finally, verinst indicates no problems, and I've updated to the latest
> version.
In a private email I asked David to run a few commands. One of which resulted
. which kdensity
*! version 2.3.8 11aug2002
identifying the most current update to -kdensity- for Stata 7. In Stata 8, he
should have recieved something like:
. which kdensity
*! version 2.5.15 11dec2002
This suggests to me that David's installation of Stata 8 was put on top of his
Stata 7 installation. Thus David will need to do a fresh install of Stata 8,
after removing the directory that contains the "mixed" installations
(i.e. /Applications/Stata). If David wants to keep both versions of Stata, I
would suggest using the following directory names:
/Applications/Stata7 for the Stata 7 installation
/Applications/Stata8 for the Stata 8 installation
[email protected]
* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/