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st: superseding -tabhbar- with Stata 8 graphics

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: superseding -tabhbar- with Stata 8 graphics
Date   Fri, 24 Jan 2003 13:14:01 -0000

David LB Schwappach asked privately about getting 
results equivalent to -tabhbar- (available from 
SSC; requires Stata 6) with -graph hbar- in Stata 8. 

The context is that one likes to show tables of 
frequencies or percents, say, as horizontal bar 

To explain a little: commands like 

. tabhbar rep78 

. tabhbar foreign rep78 

show horizontal bar charts with the 
frequencies of the distinct categories
of -rep78- or of -foreign- and -rep78- 

Various options allow percents or proportions, 
among other things. 

At first sight there is no near equivalent 
with -graph hbar-, but so long as you construct 
a variable to feed to -graph hbar-, then various 
graphs are easy. 

. u auto 

Stata can count, just as you can, by adding 
1 and 1 and 1 and ..., so that simple frequency displays 
need a variable with all values 1: 

. gen values = 1 

. graph hbar (count) values, over(foreign) 

. graph hbar (count) values, over(foreign) over(rep78) 

To show percents, we must work backwards using 
the definition that percents sum to 100. In 
the simplest case that would mean a variable 
with values all 100 / _N, but that is a bit awkward
to generalise -- interactively -- to problems 
in which subsets of data are specified using -if- 
and/or -in-. We can use instead -egen, pc()- 

. egen mypc = pc(100) 

. graph hbar (sum) mypc, over(rep78) 
      over(foreign) ytitle(percent of total) 

. egen mypc2 = pc(100), by(foreign) 

. graph hbar (sum) mypc2, over(rep78) 
       over(foreign) ytitle(percent of car type) 

. egen mypc3 = pc(100) if !foreign  

. graph hbar (sum) mypc3 if !foreign, 
       over(rep78) ytitle(percent of domestic cars) 

Fractions (proportions) are equally straightforward:

. egen myprop = pc(1), prop 

. graph hbar (sum) myprop, over(rep78) 
       over(foreign) ytitle(fraction of total) 

I suspect that all these commands are 
equally valid if -bar- were substituted 
for -hbar-, but for that kind of display, there 
is an easier way to proceed, by 
getting histograms of discrete variables. 

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