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st: unable to update user written do-files

From   Buzz Burhans <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: unable to update user written do-files
Date   Thu, 23 Jan 2003 16:32:48 -0500

I wonder if anyone on the list has any ideas about the following situation, I'd appreciate any help, as thus far Stata Tech Support has not been able to suggest a fix. I am unable to update user written do-files over the net since I started using a new computer and reinstalled Stata onto it. After installing Stata from the CD I copied my C:\ado folder from the old computer into the new one. The previous computer was running Win95, the new one is WinXP; I was unable to get the file to install until I manually navigated to the ado\stbplus\d\ folder and deleted it, then the install went ok. the original error was as follows:

I am unable to install ado updates from RePEc/bocode because I get the following error:

installing into c:\ado\stbplus\...
could not rename c:\ado\stbplus\stata.trk to c:\ado\stbplus\backup.trk


That was two weeks ago, and I assumed when I got Stata8 and installed it whatever was failing would get straightened out.
This morning I installed Stata8, and tried to update gllamm. I received the following message when I tried to "force installation":

>no files installed or copied
>Possible things to do:
> 1. Forget it
> (best choice if any of the above files were written by you and just
> happen to have the same name or you do not want the originals
> changed)
> 2. Look for an already-installed package of the same name
> (which you might then choose to uninstall)
> 3. Search installed packages for the duplicate file(s) by clicking
> on the file names above
> 4. Force installation replacing already-installed files
> (if this is an update, this would be a safe choice; you will end
> up with the original and the update apparently installed, but it
> doesn't matter; you can even uninstall the original later)
>(no action taken)
>------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
>(click here to return to the previous screen)

I then choose option 4, force installation, which failed and gave me the
following error message:

>------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
>package installation
>------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
>package name: st0005.pkg
> from:
>checking st0005 consistency and verifying not already installed...
>the following files will be replaced:
> c:\ado\stbplus\g\gllamm.ado
> c:\ado\stbplus\g\gllamm.hlp
> c:\ado\stbplus\g\gllam_ll.ado
> c:\ado\stbplus\r\remcor.ado
>installing into c:\ado\stbplus\...
>file c:\ado\stbplus\g\gllamm.ado already exists
>------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
>(click here to return to the previous screen)

sysdir shows the correct path, examination of the file path, file and folder with windows explorer shows the path is ok, but somewhere Stata is failing to find and delete or move the file...neither I nor Stata Tech Support have been able to figure it out. They have suggested manually deleting the file again, which will presumably work, but which will leave me continuing without update capability as it should be.

I would appreciate any thoughts on what might be going on.


Buzz Burhans
Cornell University Dept. of Animal Science

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