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st: Fw: statalist-digest V4 #1136

From   "levinsar" <[email protected]>
To   "Statalist" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Fw: statalist-digest V4 #1136
Date   Thu, 23 Jan 2003 06:11:54 -0700

I like Fred's idea. Meanwhile, I'm trying an arrangement where the main
Stata window is screen-width and Review and Variables windows are side by
side at the top, but vertically reduced to cover only the menu bar and
horizontally reduced to leave pull-down and button menus accessible. This
way, each is a resize-by-mouse-drag away when needed, but the rest of the
screen is open for the more constantly used windows. I'm not sure this will
be satisfactory, but perhaps worth a try while we await word from Stata on
possible workarounds or new options.

> Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 03:30:17 -0600
> From: Fred Wolfe <[email protected]>
> Subject: Re: st: Re: Stata 8 Window Arrangement
> At 12:19 AM 1/22/2003 -0600, you wrote:
> >There is not currently a way to get Stata's dialog boxes to open
> >over the Review or Variables windows.  However, we are investigating
> >the possibility of allowing users to choose one of two alternatives.
> >
> >One choice would be to have these windows always on top, and therefore
> >able to be moved outside of the main Stata window and able to be clicked
> >on while the expression builder is active.  The other choice would
> >be to have the same behavior as Stata 7, where other windows may be
> >brought on top of them.  Please bear in mind, however, that a user
> >who chooses the Stata 7 behavior will not be able to move these windows
> >outside the main Stata window, nor will they be able to access the
> >Variables window while using the expression builder.  Due to
> >limitations of Windows, there are tradeoffs between the two alternatives.
> Alan are these possibilities? 1) a switch between the two behaviors
> a) the much less frequent (at least for most list users) graphics and
> statistics pull down use requiring the review and variables windows and b)
> the non-graphics and statistics pull down use that allows any sub window
> positioning. This would be sort of like having several windowing
> possibilities besides current and default. 2) Use of  macro that allows
> multiple behaviors. For example, close review and variables window, etc.
> Although I haven't used it yet, has a product called macro
> express that seems to be able to most everything including opening and
> closing windows, window positioning and Sizing, and much more.
> Fred

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