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st: Graph question

From   "Ronnie Babigumira" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Graph question
Date   Wed, 22 Jan 2003 17:39:33 +0100

Dear listers
Basic graphics question I cant seem to figure out (I am using stata 7 on
win2k). I have household data (sample below)

         houscode   npract00   npract90
  1.     12110001          0          0
  2.     12110002          0          0
  3.     12110003          1          1
  4.     12401001          1          0
  5.     12401002          0          0
  6.     12401003          6          2
  7.     12403001          0          0
  8.     12403002          0          0
  9.     12403003          1          0

Where npracts00 npracts90 are number of practices (2000 and 1990 resptively
and run from 0 - 6). To get the percentages of households in the diffrent
practice classes for 2000, I tabulate npract00.

I would like to represent this information graphically where on on the x
axis I have practices and on y I have percentage. However, I want the bars
for 2000 and 1990 for O practices to be side by side and so forth (so it is
clear to see if there was a change between the two years). How do I do this
in stata.


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