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Re: st: Stata 8 Window Arrangement (Not Good)

From   "David A. Wagstaff" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Stata 8 Window Arrangement (Not Good)
Date   Tue, 21 Jan 2003 21:10:17 -0500



I am also using Stata 8 and understand what the others have
described.  However, what I have done is simply close the
two windows.  When I want to see the review window, I open
it again.  The same holds for the variables window.  The
"Windows" main menu tab makes it easy for me to move the 
two windows out of the way when I want another window on
top.  The PgUp and PgDn keys give me access to past commands; 
so, having the review window open is not so important to 
me (and I always run a log).  Also, I used save windowing
preferences so that the review and variables windows open
where I want them to open when I want them opened.  I have
tried a few graphics commands.  Maybe, I will experience
more inconvenience when I use them with my 800 x 600 screen.


Joseph Coveney wrote:
> Friedrich Huebler described difficulties in using the various windows in Stata 8 that result from
> the always-on-top behavior of the Review and Variables windows.  Arnold Levinson suggested
> making the always-on-top behavior optional.
> I just began using Stata 8 (Windows XP, 1024 X 768 pixels, conventional arrangement of the
> windows), and I have to concur with both.  I find that the current behavior of the Review and
> Variables windows is often an impediment, and I would like to open other windows on top of
> them, or at least be able to make various windows (including the Review and Variables)
> "active" and therefore on top when I need to access them.
> I use the Graphics dialogue boxes most frequently, since I am least familiar with Stata 8's new
> graphics.  I find myself having to drag many graphics dialogue boxes rightward every time that I
> invoke them in order to get them out in the open from beneath the Review window.  Is there a
> way to get them to open in a new default postion over the Review window?  In order to change
> their default position, I tried to drag them out and close them with various keys held depressed,
> and to Save Windowing Preferences, but when I open Stata, the graphics dialogue boxes open
> in their original locations partially underneath the Review window.
> Joseph Coveney
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