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Re: st: test stored estimates (was "Including population mean in svymean by subpops")

From   [email protected] (Jeff Pitblado, Stata Corp.)
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: test stored estimates (was "Including population mean in svymean by subpops")
Date   Tue, 21 Jan 2003 16:09:11 -0600

Arnold <[email protected]> asks about -estimates for-:

> I stored results from two separate models and tried without success to test
> equality of parameters across the two result-sets. Here's the sequence:

>     svymean varname1
>     est store A
>     svymean varname2
>     est store B
>     est for * (or _all) : test [varname1]x = [varname2]y

> For the post-estimation command, I also tried each of the following:

>     test A = B
>     test [A] = [B]
>     test [A=B], common

> In each case, the return said the query to one set of estimates failed in
> the other set of estimates -- which, of course, is true, but I thought from
> the manual that this wouldn't be a program-stopper. I tried with non-survey
> commands (e.g., logit) and got the same results. Help?

There are two issues here:

1.  How does -estimates for- work?

The description of -estimates for- in [R] estimates (from the Stata 8 manual
set) says, "... evaluates a post-estimation command for one or more stored
estimation sets."  Thus, for example, one could type:

	est for res1 res2 res3 : test x1 = x2

instead of typing

	tempname curres
	qui est store `curres'
	foreach res in res1 res2 res3 {
		est restore `res'
		test x1 = x2
	est restore `curres'

Thus, testing parameters across estimation results is not a feature of
-estimates for-.

2.  How does one go about testing coefficients across different estimation

I would start with [R] suest.

[email protected]
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