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st: New version of the -factext- package for SSC

From   Roger Newson <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: New version of the -factext- package for SSC
Date   Tue, 21 Jan 2003 18:23:03 +0000

Dear All

Thanks to Kit Baum, there is now a new version of the -factext- package downloadable from SSC. Type -ssc describe factext- in Web-aware Stata to find out more.

The -factext- program extracts values of categorical variables (factors) from the -label- variable in a data set output by the -parmest- package. (The -parmest- package is also on SSC, and converts estimation results to a data set with 1 observation per estimated parameter and data on estimates, confidence limits, P-values and other parameter attributes.). These categorical variables are typically entered into a regression model using the -xi- command (or possibly -tabulate- or -desmat-). The -factext- package allows the user to create tables and/or plots of confidence intervals for factor level effects in regression models, with one table row or data point for each level of each factor. The new version is still Stata 7, but contains an additional program -factref-, which is used after the program -factext-, and adds to the data set one or more additional observations with reference values for the factors. Therefore, the user can create confidence interval plots (or tables) with a data point (or table row) for each level of a factor, including the reference level (which is typically associated with an additive effect size of zero or a relative risk of one). I usually create such confidence interval plots using Nick Cox's -hplot- package, also on SSC.

Best wishes


Roger Newson
Lecturer in Medical Statistics
Department of Public Health Sciences
King's College London
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United Kingdom

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