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Re: st: panel: -xtpcse- with fixed effects

From   David Jacobs <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: panel: -xtpcse- with fixed effects
Date   Mon, 20 Jan 2003 13:48:58 -0500

If all you need to do is to correct the standard errors for heteroskedasticity, you can use the Stata command AREG. It allows the robust option although one must be careful about the number of groups for the standard errors to be meaningful. But in your case this doesn't seem to be a problem

Dave Jacobs

At 05:19 PM 1/20/2003 +0100, you wrote:

Dear Statalisters,

I have a problem concerning the right choice of command/options in a panel
data setting. I am working on a macroeconomic panel of ca. 80 countries over
10-25 years per country, i.e. unbalanced. Random effects are rejected in
favour of fixed effects. Furthermore, I have identified both group-wise
heteroskedasticity using -xttest3- (I know power is low, but the test given
in Stata's FAQs using -lrtst- gives a similar result) and contemporaneous
cross-section correlation using -xttest2-.

Now, for fixed effects I could use -xtreg, fe-, but this does not allow
corrections for heteroskedasticity and the correlation. On the other hand,
-xtpcse- corrects for all this, but uses OLS, thus does not have fixed
effects. Indeed, some coefficients differ quite a lot comparing the results
using the two estimators.

It now seems to me as if I only have the choice between having biased
coefficients (using -xtpcse-) or wrong standard errors (using -xtreg, fe-).
As a last solution, I could try to implement an LSDV approach, using
-xtpcse- with mean-differenced data or with individual dummies. Is this
correct? Or does anybody know of an easier procedure provided by Stata to
deal with this? It would be very helpful!

Markus Poschke
Maastricht University
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