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RE: st: New version of the -parmest- package on SSC

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: New version of the -parmest- package on SSC
Date   Mon, 20 Jan 2003 16:15:30 -0000

Fred Wolfe
> Roger's new parmest mad me notice that if I issue the command
> ado des parmest (stata 8) the description that follows is of each 
> description for each download. In total, that makes 6. Does 
> anyone know how 
> to make Stata forget or erase the previous descriptions?

-ado- is inbuilt, and not that accessible to 
a user hack. 

On my machine, the information read for this is in 


so here is a shot at reading that in as a Stata 
data set and printing out packages installed 
(in alpha order) and date _last_ installed. 

program def forfred 
	version 7 
	qui { 
		infix str pkg 1-80 using "c:\ado\stbplus\stata.trk" 
		keep if substr(pkg,1,1) == "D" | substr(pkg,1,1) == "N"
		replace pkg = trim(substr(pkg,3,.)) 
		egen byte which = seq(), to(2) 
		egen byte no = seq(), block(2)
		reshape wide pkg, i(no) j(which)
		bysort pkg1 (no) : keep if _n == _N 
		replace pkg1 = subinstr(pkg1,".pkg","",.) 
		rename pkg1 package 
		rename pkg2 date 
	list package date 

[email protected] 
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