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st: RE: I'm having a difficult time with coloring the graphs.

From   "Ray, Bryan" <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: I'm having a difficult time with coloring the graphs.
Date   Sat, 18 Jan 2003 13:50:09 -0500

If you go to the "Prefs" pull-down menu option and select "Graph
Preferences" you will get a pop-up box that will have a "Printer" tab. If
you select a scheme that has colors defined (e.g., a custom scheme that you
define on the "Schemes" tab) you should get color output with your color
printer. When printing in color, to save some ink I would recommend a scheme
that has a white background.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Ebeling [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2003 1:35 PM
To: [email protected]; Jon Ebeling
Subject: st: I'm having a difficult time with coloring the graphs.

I use stata7 and have used it since it came out. I have purchased a new 
computer and had to reload the executables for the program. I cannot 
recall how to set the graphs so that they print in color. I have been on 
the Stata FAQ site but it provides no help for this particular problem 
so far as I can see.

Is there someone out there who might tell me how to get this output of 
graphs to be loaded into msword2000 on an xp system? I really can't 
believe that the requirements for such an output should be so mysterious 
frankly. I would assume that there would be a help screen on the system 
7 that describes the procedures.

thanks for any help I can get.

Send directly to me if  you have an answer as I don't want to clutter 
the system.

jon ebeling

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