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st: Calculating means not using "collapse"

From   Nirmala Ravishankar <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Calculating means not using "collapse"
Date   Fri, 17 Jan 2003 00:16:17 -0500 (EST)

I am a first-time Stata user, and have a relatively basic question.  Is
there some way to calculate the weighted mean and median of a variable
without using the "collapse" command?  As part of a program, I need to
calculate the weighted mean and median to perform other operations on the
dataset, but using "collapse" clears the original variables from the
workspace. I tried "egen" but that doesn't allow for weighted means.

Here are the specifics:  I have household income data for US 1994, from
which I want to calculate the median income. Then I want to disaggregate
households by state and calculate the regional medians. Finally, I want to
calculate the ratio of the regional medians to the national median. Using
"collapse" to calculate the national median removes the original
observations from the working space.


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