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st: gam on Mac OS X

From   Bill Rising <[email protected]>
To   "Stata Listserve" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: gam on Mac OS X
Date   Thu, 16 Jan 2003 08:58:44 -0500

Hello people!

I need to fit some generalize additive models (GAMs), and would like to 
do this within Stata, if possible, rather than run over to R.

Patrick Royston and Gareth Ambler put a Stata front end (-gam-) to the 
gamfit FORTRAN program written by Hastie and Tibshirani back in 1998, but 
it runs only under MS Windows.

I thought I'd try compiling the gamfit package from upon 
which -gam- is based under Mac OS X, and then see if I couldn't get the 
Stata front end to work.

Unfortunately, both the f77 and g77 compilers threw fatal errors, so the 
compiling was stopped dead in its tracks.

Before I spend more time on this, has anyone else gotten -gam- to run 
under Mac OS X, or tried and found a fatal error which would make the 
task impossible?


[P.S. I last fiddled with FORTRAN in high school, so I'm not much use for 
reading the original code and debugging.]
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