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st: Repeated Measures ANOVA difficulty

From   "David L. Van Brunt" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Repeated Measures ANOVA difficulty
Date   Wed, 15 Jan 2003 22:09:31 -0500

Hello to all! I am new to the list, so if this topic has been covered,
please forgive me. I have Googled this to death, but have not had any

I am trying to run repeated measures ANOVA in Stata, and I can't seem to
escape the errors. The only thing I can figure is that I'm not specifying
the model correctly. The online help and examples have left me at a dead
end, so I am hoping for some insights from experienced users.

Here's the scenario:

    4 strains of mice (10 of each sex) with various brain mutations were
tested in a behavioral paradigm meant to model schizophrenia: cage crosses
under different doses of amphetamine, both pre- and post- puberty.

Dependent variable: Cage Crosses
Independent variables: Strain, sex, dosage, age
With all mice repeated across dose prepuberty and postpuberty, so
repeated(dose, age) would seem to apply. The random factor is "mouse".

The simple syntax listing DV, IV's, and repeated(age, dose) doesn't work,
even though all vars (even mouse) are listed. I started specifying error
terms, but must be doing that wrong. I have to admit: I don't usually do
ANOVA (more of a 'svylogit' guy), so I'm out of my element. I'm only doing
it because I'm being asked by a colleague who can't get it figured out in

Any suggestions? Happy to send data if anyone's THAT curious!


Dave VB

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