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Re: st: RE: Stata 8.0SE startup - no review or variable windows?

From   James Hassell <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: Stata 8.0SE startup - no review or variable windows?
Date   Wed, 15 Jan 2003 16:48:35 -0600

Kaleb Michaud wrote:
I found the windows hiding off-screen to the left.

Strange that I can't get them to hide behind any other windows. In 7.0 I could always hit [ctrl][1] to get them to go behind the results window, but not, so far, in 8.0. You're correct, I like having my Stata maximized with each window having its own space.



At 03:48 PM 1/15/2003 -0600, you wrote:

I had the same problem.  I think the default windowing behavior is the
issue here.  Try this:

1. Unmaximize the Stata application and pull the application window (by
which I mean the frame that holds all the sub-windows for Stata) the
right a bit.  You should now see the review and variable windows to the
left, connected to, but OUTSIDE of, the Stata application window.

2.  Drag the review and variable windows onto the Stata application

3.  Maximize the Stata application window (assuming you like it

4.  Move the various review/variable/results/command windows to where
you like them.

5. Select Prefs/Save Windowing Preferences to have the new settings come
up each time.

I hope this is clear and that it helps you as it helped me.


Glenn Hoetker
Assistant Professor of Strategy
College of Business Administration
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
[email protected]
"Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm."
Sir Winston Churchill

-----Original Message-----
From: Kaleb Michaud [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 3:40 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: Stata 8.0SE startup - no review or variable windows?

Just installed it.  First couple of times had nothing appear in
Results.  Restarted computer (Win2000) and those worked, but there's
no review or variable windows no matter what I do (even after -update
and reboot).  All other windows work fine.  When I use the menu to get
to open, all Stata windows (including the main program) become
un-highlighted as if it's just loaded an independent (and invisible)

Also, how do I remove the top part of the stata command window like what

was done in 7.0?

Only posting here since I remember seeing something like this in 7.0,
didn't find it readily in the archive search.  Also curious if this is a

more common bug or due to my Win2000.

Kaleb Michaud
Arthritis Research Center

Kaleb Michaud wrote:
> Glenn,
> I found the windows hiding off-screen to the left.
> Strange that I can't get them to hide behind any other windows. In 7.0 I
> could always hit [ctrl][1] to get them to go behind the results window,
> but not, so far, in 8.0.  You're correct, I like having my Stata
> maximized with each window having its own space.
> Thanks!
> Kaleb...
> At 03:48 PM 1/15/2003 -0600, you wrote:
>> I had the same problem.  I think the default windowing behavior is the
>> issue here.  Try this:
>> 1. Unmaximize the Stata application and pull the application window (by
>> which I mean the frame that holds all the sub-windows for Stata) the
>> right a bit.  You should now see the review and variable windows to the
>> left, connected to, but OUTSIDE of, the Stata application window.
>> 2.  Drag the review and variable windows onto the Stata application
>> window.
>> 3.  Maximize the Stata application window (assuming you like it
>> maximized).
>> 4.  Move the various review/variable/results/command windows to where
>> you like them.
>> 5. Select Prefs/Save Windowing Preferences to have the new settings come
>> up each time.
>> I hope this is clear and that it helps you as it helped me.
>> Glenn
>> Glenn Hoetker
>> Assistant Professor of Strategy
>> College of Business Administration
>> University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
>> 217-265-4081
>> [email protected]
>> "Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm."
>> Sir Winston Churchill
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Kaleb Michaud [mailto:[email protected]]
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 3:40 PM
>> To: [email protected]
>> Subject: st: Stata 8.0SE startup - no review or variable windows?
>> Just installed it.  First couple of times had nothing appear in
>> Results.  Restarted computer (Win2000) and those worked, but there's
>> still
>> no review or variable windows no matter what I do (even after -update
>> all-
>> and reboot).  All other windows work fine.  When I use the menu to get
>> them
>> to open, all Stata windows (including the main program) become
>> un-highlighted as if it's just loaded an independent (and invisible)
>> program.
>> Also, how do I remove the top part of the stata command window like what
>> was done in 7.0?
>> Only posting here since I remember seeing something like this in 7.0,
>> but
>> didn't find it readily in the archive search.  Also curious if this is a
>> more common bug or due to my Win2000.
>> Kaleb Michaud
>> Arthritis Research Center

It seems the problem as Glenn suggested, is related to Stata's
default windowing, particularily on systems where the screen
resolution is 800x600.  I think the work around that Glenn
mentioned is very good so I won't re-state it here.  We are
aware of the problem and are currently working on a solution
that will be available soon.  The solution will likly involve
detecting screen resolutions below 1024x768 and changing the
default windowing accordingly.

Regarding the removal of the top part of the Stata command
window, like what was done in 7.0.  I think Kaleb is refering
to the use of -set cmdtitle off-.  This was a work around
introduced in Stata 7 addressing a problem that was related
to using the mouse in the command window on Windows 2000
and XP platforms.  It is my understanding that it was just a
temporary fix made available until a more sutable solution
could be made available.

[email protected]

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