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st: Re: adding data for identical individuals

From   "Marcela Perticara" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: Re: adding data for identical individuals
Date   Wed, 15 Jan 2003 19:10:11 -0600

Check the funcion in the egen package <sum> and use it together with by,

by HH: egen hh_inc=sum(tot_inc)

Universidad Alberto Hurtado
ILADES / Georgetown University
Erasmo Escala 1835
Santiago, Chile
Phono: 671-7130 anexo 267
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rodrigo Brice�o" <>
To: "Statalist (E-mail)" <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 3:48 PM
Subject: st: adding data for identical individuals

> Hello statalisters. I don't want to annoy anyone with my doubts, but you
> the only that can help me. I try to explain clearly my doubt and at the
> I write some mini example.
> I have a database with incomes and a database with socioeconomic
> characteristics of individuals. The income database has 9,000 records and
> the socioeconomic has 19,000. I merged the two databases using some unique
> identifiers between the two databases.
> With the new database I need to construct a new variable called (income
> deciles) and for this I need the total income for the household (assigned
> each individual of the household). The problem is that not every
> (in the new database) corresponding to the same household has income
> observations in the merged database (it could be the childrens, people
> no reported income, etc).
> I already think in a procedure to make my statistical analysis right:
> To add incomes for each household due to the fact that each household
> have several sources of income (salaries, transfers, etc.) First of all I
> don't know how to add those values (a new variable independent of the
> I guess) neither how to assign the sum (for each household) to each of the
> members of the household. I require this to make the deciles.
> Can somebody help me with the commands or the steps that I need to do.
> Example:
> HH  Member  Age  Sex  SourceIncome  Total Income
> 1     1            37     1           11                   1500
> 1     1            42     2           11                   3000
> 1     1            42     2           53                    400
> 1     2            14     2            .                       .
> 1     2            25     2            .                       .
> You can find identical observations in the variable "member" because is
> possible that each household is composed by several families.
> Rodrigo Brice�o
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Universidad Alberto Hurtado
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