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Re: st: probit modeling

From   James Valcour <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: probit modeling
Date   Wed, 15 Jan 2003 09:51:40 -0500

Hi Kristy,

I have an ado file that performs probit analysis that had written for a grad student at my old job. They were doing bioassays for their project and needed similar information. It was tailored to their specific needs to make life as easy as possible them.

If you could let me know how your data is set up (i.e. is it collapse into a table for, or is it one line for every subject in the dataset) I could easily adapt this program to suit your needs. It performs a probit analysis and displays the LD50 and associated Feiller confidence limits. It will also account for natural mortality it that occurs.

James Valcour

At 1/14/03 04:34 PM -0800, you wrote:


Can anyone suggest a reference for how to calculate the confidence limits of an LD50 (i.e. 50% lethal dose level) obtained from a probit model? The data is from a drug toxicity experiment in mice. I've figured out how to derive the LD50s from the model parameter estimates, but I'm stuck on how to calculate the variance of the LD50 estimate.


Kristy Seidel
Clinical Research Center/Research Administration
Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center, Seattle WA
[email protected]

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