Rodrigo Brice�o
> I really advanced a lot understanding the
> logical of merge and
> the logical of my databases. I found that the solution
> that I need is to
> merge using my four variables that identify each
> database. I read the FAQ
> like Buzz Burhans recommended to me and I wish to have
> some insight to do
> one more thing with my bases. If in my 4 databases there
> are duplicates, is
> there a procedure to combine all the duplicates in one
> unique observation.
> For example if the variable is income, there appears
> several observations
> depending of the source of income (salary, transfers,
> etc.), so how can I
> add all the observations for household 1 in one unique
> observation? and how
> can I execute the procedure for all the remain duplicates?
Richard Goldstein
> a search on duplicates find several items; the one that
> you probably want is -dups-
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