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st: merging datasets with duplicates

From   "Rodrigo Brice�o" <[email protected]>
To   "Statalist \(E-mail\)" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: merging datasets with duplicates
Date   Tue, 14 Jan 2003 08:46:39 -0600

Dear friends. I really advanced a lot understanding the logical of merge and
the logical of my databases. I found that the solution that I need is to
merge using my four variables that identify each database. I read the FAQ
like Buzz Burhans recommended to me and I wish to have some insight to do
one more thing with my bases. If in my 4 databases there are duplicates, is
there a procedure to combine all the duplicates in one unique observation.
For example if the variable is income, there appears several observations
depending of the source of income (salary, transfers, etc.), so how can I
add all the observations for household 1 in one unique observation? and how
can I execute the procedure for all the remain duplicates?
Thanks for reading!


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