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st: Re: Prolems with gologit ado-file

From   "Scott Merryman" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Re: Prolems with gologit ado-file
Date   Mon, 13 Jan 2003 18:03:10 -0600

A similar question was asked December 12th.

Here was my reply:

According to Vincent Kang Fu's website
( :

1. Why doesn't this command work under Stata 7?
Many people have reported the following error when trying to run -gologit- under
Stata 7.

. gologit
gologit: ado-file does not define command

Changes to Stata's internal code in version 7 no longer allow -gologit- to run.
To use -gologit- under Stata 7, you need to replace the file gologit.ado on your
computer with a new one. There is an updated version of -gologit- on the Boston
College IDEAS Statistical Software Components website. To install the update,
run the following command from within Stata:

. net install, replace
checking gologit consistency and verifying not already installed...

the following files will be replaced:

installing into c:\ado\stbplus\...
installation complete.

I hope this helps,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Alessandra Franzosi" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 1:37 PM
Subject: st: Prolems with gologit ado-file

Dear statalist,

I have a problem with gologit ado-file that I got from Stata website.
When I try to run it, I get the following error message:

gologit: ado-file does not define command

[P]     error  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Return code
        ado-file does not define command;
        The first program in any ado-file must be named the same as
        the ado-file name.  For example, xyz.ado must begin with
        program define xyz.  The command you typed has loaded an
        ado-file that violates this rule.

I checked the glogit.ado file but it seems to me that a line spefifies
"program define glogit".
I am not so friendly with .ado files, so I have no idea what the problem
could be.

Could anyone help me? I attached the gologit.ado file.

Thanks a lot.


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