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st: SUR with identical equations

From   baum <[email protected]>
To   StataList <[email protected]>
Subject   st: SUR with identical equations
Date   Mon, 13 Jan 2003 13:36:36 -0500

Jonathan wrote

Thanks for your reply, Christer. I guess I was not exact enough.

What I have are price and characteristics observations for many
different products, similar to the example-data of 1978 automobiles,
plus information to which of the five segments ("groups") of the
market they belong. I want to perfom a hedonic regression for every
segment, with restrictions across equations on some, but not all of
the coefficients. I thought therefore I needed to estimate some
system of related equations instead of five completely unrelated
SUR is going to assume that you have T obs on each of the five dependent variables. My guess is that you have the data in 'long' format, with all five groups stacked up vertically. When you break them out into five separate dep vars they are disjoint sets--each obs is in one of the five, so none are in the same range of obs 1/T. Unless by chance there are roughly the same number of obs in each of the five categories, SUR will not work, since it assumes that the resid cov mtx can be calculated from 5 vectors of T obs.

Keep in mind that SUR of five different dep vars on the same set of explanatory vars is IDENTICAL to eqn-by-eqn OLS on those eqns. The only possible reason to use SUR is to be able to impose cross-eqn restrictions or test cross-eqn hypotheses. Otherwise SUR in this special case buys you nothing, not even efficiency as it would if the indiv eqns X matrices were numerically distinct.


Christopher F Baum, Boston College Economics, Chestnut Hill MA 02467 USA
[email protected]
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