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st: SUR with identical equations, restrictions and tests

From   "Jonathan Beck" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: SUR with identical equations, restrictions and tests
Date   Mon, 13 Jan 2003 11:06:42 +0100

Dear Listeners,

I want to perform a SUR with 5 identical equations, but for 5 
different groups of observations in my data, and make some 
restrictions and tests on coefficients across equations. My problem 
is: I don't know how to tell Stata that these 5 equations are not the 
same, although they all contain the same variables.

I generated distinct variables for every group, like p1-p5 for the 
endogenous and x1-x5 for one of the exogenous variables by saying:
. gen p1=.
. replace p1=p if group==1
and so on.

But to my command
. sureg (p1 x1) (p2 x2) � (p5 x5)
Stata replied: 
insufficient observations, r(2001)
although every group has hundreds or thousands of observations.

In the archive, I found a short response by Kit Baum pointing to a 
longer discussion that took place in early 2002 on a this issue, but 
that I couldn't find.

I'd be very grateful if someone could give me a more detailed 
reference of that earlier discussion, or some other clues.

I use Stata 7.

Kind regards

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