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Re: st: nearest neighbor distance

From   "Stephen P. Jenkins" <>
Subject   Re: st: nearest neighbor distance
Date   Thu, 9 Jan 2003 09:06:45 +0000 (GMT Standard Time)

On Thu, 09 Jan 2003 01:54:22 -0500 Benoit Dulong <> 

> x=(x1,x2), a point in R^2.
> My dataset (simulation), has at least 200 points.
> For each point in the dataset, I want:
> 1- identify the nearest neighbor (nnid)
> 2- calculate the distance to that nearest neighbor (nnd)
> How can I create nnid and nnd ?
>  list in 1/10, noobs
>        id         x1         x2       nnid        nnd
>         1     0.6231     0.6594          .          .
>         2     0.0770     0.8497          .          .
>         3     0.8031     0.5251          .          .
>         4     0.4283     0.2249          .          .
>         5     0.2084     0.1750          .          .
>         6     0.8936     0.9179          .          .
>         7     0.6168     0.7379          .          .
>         8     0.5663     0.2539          .          .
>         9     0.6465     0.5444          .          .
>        10     0.7783     0.0047          .          .

How about something like the following:

1. Put x1 and x2 in separate data sets A1, A2, each with n rows, 
	including in each a row-specific unique identifier
2. create a long format data set of n x n rows which contains all
	possible (x1,x2) pairs, 
3. using your favourite distance metric formula, d(.), calculate
	d(x1_i,x2_i) for i = 1,...,nxn, and from this you will also
	get your nearest neighbour = obs with min d(), by i. 
	[E.g use some -egen- function, with a -by- id option]. 
4. Tag the relevant nearest neighbour observations, and save them in a
	file together with row number id
5. Merge back on to original data set, using i as key.

Professor Stephen P. Jenkins <>
Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER)
University of Essex, Colchester, CO4 3SQ, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1206 873374. Fax: +44 (0)1206 873151.

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