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st: Re: Fisher index - does it exist in Stata?

From   "Scott Merryman" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: Re: Fisher index - does it exist in Stata?
Date   Wed, 8 Jan 2003 22:34:59 -0600

I believe this will create a Fisher Price index:

The Fisher Index = Sqrt(Laspeyres' index * Paasche index)

Laspeyres' Index = Sum(Pn*Q0)/Sum(P0*Q0)

and Paasche Index = Sum(Pn*Qn)/Sum(P0*Qn)

where Q0, P0 are the price or quantity in the base period
Pn Qn are the price or quantity in period n

If we just have two goods (a and b) we can construct the Fisher index as

*generate data
set obs 50
gen Pa = uniform()
gen Pb = uniform()
gen Qb = uniform()
gen Qa= uniform()

*Assume observation 1 is the base period.
gen laspeyres =  (Pa*Qa[1] + Pb*Qb[1]) / (Pa[1]*Qa[1] + Pb[1]*Qb[1])
gen paasche =   (Pa*Qa + Pb*Qb) / (Pa[1]*Qa + Pb[1]*Qb)
gen fisher =  sqrt(las*paa)

This is only for two goods, but it could be generalized....

I hope this helps,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alexander Severinsen" <>
To: "Statalist" <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 5:34 PM
Subject: st: Fisher index - does it exist in Stata?

> Dear listers,
> Does anyone know if it is possibel to use the fisher index in Stata for
> constructing a price index?
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Alexander Severinsen
> Market Analytics
> Jobb direkte: 77 75 61 67
> Mobil:        95 78 34 25

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