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st: Re: archived material

From   baum <>
Subject   st: Re: archived material
Date   Mon, 06 Jan 2003 12:52:27 -0500

--On Monday, January 6, 2003 2:33 -0500 Nick wrote:

As Jens' -labjl- has a completely different name,
I can't see that the introduction of -numlabel-
poses any serious risk of confusion.

As another author of user-written software, I intend
to let my programs written for Stata 7 and earlier
versions remain in archives, principally SSC, even when
they are superseded by what is in Stata 8. This does no harm;
it requires minimal resources; and it is potentially still
of some use to people using earlier versions. That
is, or should be, one of the functions of a software

I urge Jens to reconsider his decision.
I concur with Jens' decision, since w.r.t. labjl the issue is that as findit shows, it is available from the STB. Now if he ever updates labjl, he will want to put the newer version on ssc...But there is no real need to mirror what is in the STB archives in SSC.

Christopher F Baum, Boston College Economics, Chestnut Hill MA 02467 USA

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