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st: RE: Combining numerical codes and value labels in tables (Stata 7)

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Combining numerical codes and value labels in tables (Stata 7)
Date   Sun, 5 Jan 2003 17:32:24 -0000

Jens M. Lauritsen

> Please note that with the "labjl" command
> STB-59  dm84 . . . . . . . . .  labjl:  Adding numerical 
> codes to value labels
>         (help labjl if installed)  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
> . . J. M. Lauritsen
>         1/01    STB Reprints Vol 10, pages 35--37
>         adds or removes numerical codes to the value labels of a
>         categorical variable
> The same feature as announced in Stata8 can be used in 
> Stata 6 and 7:
> . tab kmgrp
>   Residence |
>   of runner |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
> ------------+-----------------------------------
>    0- 25 km |        675       18.65       18.65
>    26-62 km |        911       25.17       43.81
>     63 -120 |        954       26.35       70.17
>     120+ km |       1080       29.83      100.00
> ------------+-----------------------------------
>       Total |       3620      100.00
> . labjl kmgrp
> Numerical codes added to Label: kmlbl
> * note that labels will be properly aligned:
> . tab kmgrp
> Residence of |
>       runner |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
> -------------+-----------------------------------
> 1   0- 25 km |        675       18.65       18.65
> 2   26-62 km |        911       25.17       43.81
> 3    63 -120 |        954       26.35       70.17
> 4    120+ km |       1080       29.83      100.00
> -------------+-----------------------------------
>        Total |       3620      100.00
> . labjl kmgrp, remove
> Numerical codes removed from Label: kmlbl
> Within a few days labjl will be removed from ssc-ideas and 
> my own site to
> diminish confusion. 

I understand this to be in response to the new -numlabel- 
command in Stata 8.  

There is a general issue here. Official Stata upgrades 
can make previous user-written programs largely or even entirely 

However, it can also be true that the user-written 
program has some functionality not provided with 
the new official command. 

In addition, some people may have do files 
or ado files which call upon such programs. If 
other people want to use those do files or 
ado files, then it is necessary to get 
copies of those programs. 

Moreover, many users may not be upgrading to Stata 8 
immediately. I imagine that all, or almost all, Statalist 
members will want to upgrade, but not all will have 
the control over their system, or the finances, to 
do so immediately. Also, there are probably several 
users of versions earlier than 7 still out there. My wild 
guess is ~10% of Statalist members, for example. 

As Jens' -labjl- has a completely different name, 
I can't see that the introduction of -numlabel- 
poses any serious risk of confusion. 

As another author of user-written software, I intend 
to let my programs written for Stata 7 and earlier 
versions remain in archives, principally SSC, even when 
they are superseded by what is in Stata 8. This does no harm; 
it requires minimal resources; and it is potentially still 
of some use to people using earlier versions. That 
is, or should be, one of the functions of a software

I urge Jens to reconsider his decision. 

[email protected] 

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