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st: Restricting access to some files using "net from ..."

From   Fred Wolfe <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Restricting access to some files using "net from ..."
Date   Sun, 05 Jan 2003 05:40:19 -0600

I was wondering if there was anyway to restrict access to certain files on our website that will be accessible via Stata's "net from http"// ..."

We want to put up ado and do files that can be accessed by a group of research fellows, but not the general public (as well as, separately, other files for the general public). The reason we want to restrict access to some files is that the files do not have general use, being dependent on specific variables and existing files; and because they provide descriptions of research activities and plans that should not be public.

I can see that we might send an encrypted zip file, but then we lose the useful automatic save to the c:\ado directory. Does anyone have insight into how we might protect ado/do files within the net from http:// system?



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Fred Wolfe Tel (316) 263-2125
National Data Bank for Rheumatic Diseases Fax (316) 263-0761
Wichita, Kansas [email protected]
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