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st: standard errors "unsuitable"

From   "Alicia Dowd" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: standard errors "unsuitable"
Date   Sat, 4 Jan 2003 10:23:36 -0500

I wonder if someone can help me understand a warning message I am
receiving after _mfx compute_.

The warning is

. mfx compute
Warning: predict() expression unsuitable for standard error calculation
         option nose imposed

I am running two logistic regression models, which are the same except
with different dependent variables.

After the first model, which has a predicted probability of the positive
outcome of .81, the standard errors are issued. After the second model,
which has a predicted probability of .55, the warning and the marginal
effects are issued, and no standard errors are provided. 

When I simplify the model to just one explanatory variable to explore
the problem, I get the same warning on the second model. 

I suspect this is a statistical issue having to do with the nearly equal
probability of the positive and negative outcomes in the second model,
but I haven't encountered this before. A brief explanation and a
reference to a resource that would explain the issue would be much

I am running Stata 7 in Windows. Reference to the Users Manuals and
online help didn't turn up an explanation of this warning message. 

Thank you. Alicia

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