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st: Enhanced list for control of variables (clist)

From   "Jens M. Lauritsen" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Enhanced list for control of variables (clist)
Date   Fri, 03 Jan 2003 20:46:01 +0100

Svend Juul enhanced the wlist.ado which John Gallup and I made last year
with formats just applied during listing (not permanently).  The idea is
that we often control variables after generating new ones. The enhanced
command clist (stata 7+) will :
1. List as many variables per line as fits the current window
    If all the variables cannot fit, add another block after showing first
block of variables
2. Optionally show e.g. ID number as first variable in each line or define
number of decimals. 

     . clist
     . clist v1-v27
     . clist , decimal(2)
     . clist v1-v27 in 1/20 if sex == 1
     . clist v1-v27 , noobs id(idno)
     . clist        , label 

. clist in 3/4 , d(2) id(idno)

     idno  sex  age  wt   ht  smoke  cigaret  cheroot  pipe  agegr
  3.    7    1   49  85  190      1       10        2     0      2
  4.   11    2   71  85  166      2        0        0     0      3

     idno  tobacco    bmi  bmigr
  3.    7       14  23.55     20
  4.   11        0  30.85     30

. clist idno sex smoke in 3/4 , l 
     idno  sex  smoke  
  3.    7    M    Yes  
  4.   11    F    No

Clist will be available from ssc-ideas within a few days.

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