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st: Date in log file incorrect

From   "Elmer V Villanueva, MD ScM" <>
To   Statalist <>
Subject   st: Date in log file incorrect
Date   Fri, 03 Jan 2003 11:21:01 +1100

Hi All!

I've noticed that the Stata logs time stamp that is off by an hour. I'm
running Stata 7.0 from Melbourne, Australia. A few months ago, daylight
savings time came into effect, so we've moved our clocks up one hour. I did
that on my machine.

Today, I ran a do file at 11:13 AM.

This is Stata log's time stamp:

  log type:  smcl
 closed on:   3 Jan 2003, 10:13:01

Can someone help? Does this mean that I'll have to go back through all the
logs I've produced over the last few months and add an hour? So much for the
pristine nature of logs...



Elmer V Villanueva, MD ScM
Senior Research Fellow
Monash Institute of Health Services Research

Level 1, Block E
Monash Medical Centre
246 Clayton Road, Clayton
Victoria 3168 Australia

Tel:   (+61 3) 9594 7545
Fax:   (+61 3) 9594 7554
Mob:   0439 947 544

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