Thanks to Kit Baum, the following have been
updated on SSC.
Phil Ender tripped over a bug to do
with file handling whenever file paths
contain spaces. This is now fixed.
-cpyxplot- remains usable with version
6 upwards.
Two new -egen- functions have been
added to -egenmore-, which arose out of questions
on Statalist in December. These are -var()-
and -wtfreq()-.
In both cases, they have merit mostly if
you want to do specific calculations again and
again, as they replace only a few lines of
official Stata.
Thus the -var()- function is almost
redundant given that you can already
. bysort group : egen var = sd(myresponse)
. replace var = sd^2
However, if you wanted this repeatedly
you can now with this function installed
. bysort group : egen var = var(myresponse)
The -wtfreq()- function is similarly
a replacement for say
. bysort group: egen freq = sum(myresponse)
. su myresponse, meanonly
. replace freq = freq / r(mean)
To get more detail on these packages,
. ssc desc <pkgname>
and to install them, type
. ssc inst <pkgname>, replace
in a copy of Stata 8 or an up-to-date
copy of Stata 7. -ssc- is now
documented in the Stata 8 manuals.
best wishes for 2003!
[email protected]
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