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st: RE: Stata 8 ships week of Jan. 6th

From   "Cleves, Mario A" <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Stata 8 ships week of Jan. 6th
Date   Fri, 20 Dec 2002 20:53:55 -0600

Congratulations to everyone at Stata Corp! I just finished reviewing the information on the web site and the new release looks superb. 

Great job,

Mario A. Cleves, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Senior Biostatistician
UAMS, Department of Pediatrics
Arkansas Center for Birth Defects Research and Prevention
11219 Financial Centre Parkway, Suite 250
Little Rock, AR  72211
Telephone: 501-364-5001
Fax: 501-364-5107
Email: [email protected]

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] 
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 6:26 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: Stata 8 ships week of Jan. 6th

There is a tradition of telling Statalist members about new releases of Stata
before anyone else, so here it is:

A new release of Stata -- Stata 8 -- begins shipping the week of January 6th.

Stata 8 contains 

    o  New graphics 
           publication quality

    o  New GUI 
           you can use commands or dialogs

    o  New data management 
           ODBC support,
           new missing values .a, .b, ..., .z

    o  New Statistics
           VAR, SVAR
           MANOVA, MANCOVA
           Stochastic frontier models
           Cox with group-level frailty

    o  New programming features
           object-oriented programming
           programmable GUI

    o  Faster
           17-43% faster, average
           some commands 4 times faster
           other commands not faster at all

I have just given the highlights, for instance, Stata 8 contains survey
Heckman selection models with continuous and discrete outcomes, new cluster
techniques including Ward's method, permutation tests based on simulation,
smoothed hazard functions, and more.

The full list of What's New runs 20-40 pages, depending on how you count.  All
the information can be found at

and you can order from the website now.

                           Stata 8 Upgrade Prices
                                      Included                       non-
      From           To               Manuals         Education    Education
      SE/7           SE/8            base manuals       $325         $395
                                     all manuals         425          495

      Intercooled/7  Intercooled/8   base manuals       $325         $395
                                     all manuals         425          495

      Intercooled/7  SE/8            base manuals       $469         $645
                                     all manuals         569          745
      Stat/Xfer 6    Stat/Xfer 7                        $ 79         $129
      Notes:  Base manuals are [GS], [U], [R], and [G].
              All manuals includes base manuals and all the rest.
              The new Stat/Transfer 7 supports Stata 8's new .dta format.
              Visit or email [email protected].

Stata's documentation set has grown to over 4,500 pages.  So that you do not
have to pay for manuals you will not use, you may now choose specific manuals.
There are two guides,

        [GS]  Getting Started with Stata (190 pages)
        [U]   User's Guide (420 pages)

one base reference manual set of four volumes plus a Graphics Reference

        [R]   Base (1,830 pages)
        [G]   Graphics (500 pages)

and six more reference manuals,

        [P]   Programming (470 pages)
        [CL]  Cluster Analysis (120 pages)
        [XT]  Cross-sectional Time Series (240 pages)
        [SVY] Survey Data (101 pages)
        [ST]  Survival Analysis & Epidemiological Tables (350 pages)
        [TS]  Time series (350 pages)

Everyone gets [GS], [U], [R], and [G], and you may choose among the rest.
Whatever manuals you choose, you get all the software and all the online help.

-- Bill
   Bill Gould
   [email protected]

and, in alphabetical order of last name:

-- Kevin                -- James                   -- Brian
   Kevin Crow              James Hassel               Brian Poi

-- Shannon              -- Ken                     -- Alan
   Shannon Driver          Ken Higbee                 Alan Riley

-- David                -- Pete                    -- Kevin 
   David Drukker           Pete Huckelba              Kevin Turner

-- Lisa                 -- Jean Marie              -- Derek
   Lisa Gilmore            Jean Marie Linhart         Derek Wagner

-- Weihua               -- Allen                   -- Vince
   Weihua Guan             Allen McDowell             Vince Wiggins

-- Bobby                -- Chinh 
   Roberto Gutierrez       Chinh Nguyen

                        -- Jeff
                           Jeff Pitblado

and all the rest at Stata who contributed to Stata 8.

P.S.  We had planned on telling Statalist members about Stata 8
      this morning, but we needed more time to update

      In any case, the official announcement is not until Monday, December

      Because we could not get the announcement out this morning, we will have
      people available tomorrow, Saturday, to accept telephone orders.  Of
      course, you can order online 7 days a week, 24 hours per day.
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