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st: using the jknife command with the cs command

From   "G. ter Riet" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: using the jknife command with the cs command
Date   Fri, 20 Dec 2002 16:37:51 +0100

I have data on the results of three binary diagnostic tests to which 
all of 200 patients were subjected. So basically I have 3 2x2 tables 
displaying test-disease combinations coded as 00 01 10 11. I want to 
calculate likelihood ratios (LRs) for each diagnostic test result and 
use the jknife command to calculate standard deviations for the LRs. 
The cs command works fine (after exchanging cell b and c to get 
likelihood ratios instead of rate ratios). However, I can't figure out 
how to apply the jknife command with the cs command. Can it be done? 
Are there better options? Who can help me out?
Many thanks in advance.

Gerben ter Riet, MD PhD, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam

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