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st: Re: fonts

From   baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: fonts
Date   Fri, 20 Dec 2002 07:15:44 -0500

--On Friday, December 20, 2002 2:33 -0500 Philippe wrote:

Here is my output (stata console), from a linux machine. I do not know
whether ms-windows users on the list will see anything below,
depending on installed fonts and configured charsets. However, all the
accented or exotic characters are here on my list, and I can print
them and put them in a graph without any trouble.

The linux community might be less NATO oriented than Bill's team ...

. forval i = 192/255 {
  2.        di "`i'   " char(`i')
  3. }
That list looks fine to me, and includes just about every accented character one might seek for Western and Eastern European languages from the looks of it. But it is very machine-specific. The classic Mac OS equivalent is

. forval i = 192/255 {
2. di "`i' " char(`i')
3. }
192 ¿
193 ¡
194 ¬
195 ?
196 �
197 ?
198 ?
199 «
200 »
201 ?
203 À
204 Ã
205 Õ
206 ?
207 ?
208 ?
209 ?
210 ?
211 ?
212 ?
213 ?
214 ÷
215 ?
216 ÿ
217 ?
218 ?
219 €
220 ?
221 ?
222 ?
223 ?
224 ?
225 ·
226 ?
227 ?
228 ?
229 Â
230 Ê
231 Á
232 Ë
233 È
234 Í
235 Î
236 Ï
237 Ì
238 Ó
239 Ô
240 ?
241 Ò
242 Ú
243 Û
244 Ù
245 ?
246 ?
247 ?
248 ¯
249 ?
250 ?
251 ?
252 ž
253 ?
254 ?
255 ?

which serves to reveal that most of the sought characters are in the other chunk of high ASCII under MacOS:

. forval i = 129/191 {
2. di "`i' " char(`i')
3. }
129 Å
130 Ç
131 É
132 Ñ
133 Ö
134 Ü
135 á
136 à
137 â
138 ä
139 ã
140 å
141 ç
142 é
143 è
144 ê
145 ë
146 í
147 ì
148 î
149 ï
150 ñ
151 ó
152 ò
153 ô
154 ö
155 õ
156 ú
157 ù
158 û
159 ü
160 ?
161 °
162 ¢
163 £
164 §
165 ?
166 ¶
167 ß
168 ®
169 ©
170 ?
171 Ž
172 š
173 ?
174 Æ
175 Ø
176 ?
177 ±
178 ?
179 ?
180 ¥
181 µ
182 ?
183 ?
184 ?
185 ?
186 ?
187 ª
188 º
189 ?
190 æ
191 ø

Christopher F Baum, Boston College Economics, Chestnut Hill MA 02467 USA
[email protected]

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