I'm trying to merge a collection of dta files and create
new time-variables at the same time.
Specifically, I'd like to execute the following two routines
----------routine 1----------
foreach file in personnel_1997 personnel_1998 personnel_1999
personnel_2000 personnel_2001 {
use "`file'"
sort id
save "`file'", replace
use personnel /*master file*/
sort id
capture confirm variable _merge
if _rc {
else {
drop _merge
merge id using "`file'"
save personnel, replace
----------routine 2----------
forvalues i = 1997/2001 {gen year`i' = `i''}
Is it possible to execute the above two routines
combining -foreach- and -forvalues- simultaneously?
For now, as I don't have a good idea, I repeatedly
use the following simple routine as for routine 2:
----------routine 2'----------
use personnel_1997, clear
gen year1997 = 1997
save personnel_1997_temp, replace
(and so on)
Any suggestions welcome.
Thanks in advance.
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* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/