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st: RE: generate variance variable

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: generate variance variable
Date   Tue, 17 Dec 2002 12:14:07 -0000

Jan Bayer
> We have repeatedly determined a whole bunch of "phenotypic
> measures" on
> a group of individuals, over a period of three years now. I
> would like
> to use Stata to perform analyses of the data, but I'm a real newbee.
> In my datalist I have one line per subject (individual) for
> every single
> time the individual was tested. In columns, I have the
> numerical values
> for the different phenotypic measures. The same subject
> (individual)
> does show up several times in the datalist (several lines), and
> therefore, for every subject we have multiple independent
> determinations
> of the same phenotypic values.
> Is it possible to generate new variables containing the
> variance of the
> measurements, per subject (individual) ?

See help on -egen- which provides a canned -sd()- function.
So you could just

. bysort id : egen sdpheno = sd(pheno)
. gen varpheno = sdpheno^2

But better is to have your own function.


. which _gsd

shows you where the defining file is on your system.
Here is a copy.

*! version 3.1.0  30jun1998
program define _gsd
	version 6
	syntax newvarname =/exp [if] [in] [, BY(varlist)]
	tempvar touse mean
	quietly {
		gen byte `touse'=1 `if' `in'
		sort `touse' `by'
		by `touse' `by': gen double `mean' = /*
			*/ sum(`exp')/sum((`exp')!=.) if `touse'==1
		by `touse' `by': gen `typlist' `varlist' = /*
		*/ sqrt(sum(((`exp')-`mean'[_N])^2)/(sum((`exp')!=.)-1)) /*
		*/ if `touse'==1 & sum(`exp'!=.)
		by `touse' `by': replace `varlist' = `varlist'[_N]

The program for a variance could just be therefore

================================ begin _gvar.ado
*! _gvar NJC 17 Dec 2002
*! _gsd 3.1.0  30jun1998
program define _gvar
	version 6
	syntax newvarname =/exp [if] [in] [, BY(varlist)]
	tempvar touse mean
	quietly {
		gen byte `touse'=1 `if' `in'
		sort `touse' `by'
		by `touse' `by': gen double `mean' = /*
			*/ sum(`exp')/sum((`exp')!=.) if `touse'==1
		by `touse' `by': gen `typlist' `varlist' = /*
		*/ sum(((`exp')-`mean'[_N])^2)/(sum((`exp')!=.)-1) /*
		*/ if `touse'==1 & sum(`exp'!=.)
		by `touse' `by': replace `varlist' = `varlist'[_N]
============================== end _gvar.ado

What to do:

1. Copy and paste the code above into a text file
_gvar.ado in what your Stata calls STBPLUS.

. sysdir

to see where this ado. The underscore _ is essential.

2. Within Stata, your commands are then of the form

. bysort id : egen varpheno = var(pheno)

[email protected]

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