I run a regression for which the xi prefix creates regional dummies. The
dummies are named _Iregion_1, _Iregion_2 and so on.
How can I refer to them with out stating each variable explicitly.
The commands -unab- or -local- would require to state each single
variable at least once, which I would like to avoid since I have some
100 regional dummies.
Creating a local macro within a loop doesn't work since some regions are
missing, that is they are not continuously numbered.
Thank for your help.
Hans J. Baumgartner
Deutsches Institut f�r Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW Berlin)
German Institute for Economic Research
Abt. Staat / Dept. Public Economics
K�nigin-Luise-Str. 5; 14195 Berlin (Dahlem)
Tel.: 030/89789-307; Fax.: 030/89789-114 http://www.diw.de