Sheela Athreya
> Does anyone know if it is possible to perform the following
> analysis on
> I have a set of 35 fossils, from known taxonomic groups
> (1,2,3). There
> are five measurements per fossil. I then have a single
> newly discovered
> fossil, and want to find out how it will be classified
> based on these
> measurements.
> I wanted to use discriminant function analysis, but I'm not
> sure if a)
> that is the right approach, and b) how I can do it using the command
> -discrim-, which requires that the grouping variable be
> only 0/1, instead
> of the three groups I have defined a priori.
With two categories discriminant analysis
is typically inferior to logit, but as
you have three, this sounds much more like -mlogit-
in Stata [sic]. However, I yield to experts here.
[email protected]
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