I need some help using log files.
I am trying to run some graphs a the same time using this command:
foreach var of varlist x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 {graph `var' y, by (z)
My questions is how can I get all the graphs in one singles log file? I
am trying to avoid the copy/paste solution, because that would force me
to do it out of the foreach
I don't know what you mean by 'in the log file' since graphs do not appear
in the log file (which is a text file) in any case. However you can use the
'saving' option in the graph command to create graph files, e.g.
saving(g`var',replace) which will create gx1.gph, gx2.gph, etc (which would
probably be more useful if the variables had more descriptive names.