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RE: st: "Insufficient disk space" error message running -qreg-

From   Pete Huckelba <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   RE: st: "Insufficient disk space" error message running -qreg-
Date   Sun, 08 Dec 2002 10:11:07 -0600

Arne can also use the Windows environment variable "STATATMP". This variable will tell Stata to use a different location for writing its temporary files, while not affecting the TMP nor TEMP paths. As described in the semi-outdated FAQ mentioned by H�kon, you can use that syntax and start Stata from the command line, but this setting is only effective for that command session.

Inserting the path declaration in your autoexec.bat file if you are using Windows 95/98/98-SE/ME (as described in the FAQ) or in the Windows environment variable list if you are using Windows NT/2000/XP is the preferred method since Windows will remember the option the next time you reboot the machine or login.

A quick hack would be to copy and paste:

set STATATMP=d:\data\tmpfiles
cd d:\data

in a batch file and run it instead of the Stata executable. You can call the file anything as long as it has the .bat extension and the directory that STATATMP is pointing to must be created. You may also want/need to modify the path to the appropriate locations.


At 07:05 AM 12/8/2002, you wrote:

If Erik has the correct diagnosis, then there is a relevant FAQ at .
[email protected]

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Erik �. S�rensen [mailto:[email protected]]
> Sent: 8. desember 2002 13:41
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: st: "Insufficient disk space" error message
> running -qreg-
> On s�ndag, des 8, 2002, at 07:20 America/Montreal, Arne Mastekaasa
> wrote:
> Arne,
> I've had this problem myself. The problem is usually that Stata wants
> to create a temporary file, and the systemwide temp directory is
> getting full. If there is only 37mb free on c:\, I would clear out a
> bit in the temporary file directory. There is a "preserve" buried in
> qreg that will sometimes want to write a temporary file.
> The temporary directory has a tendency to fill up when you kill a
> Stata-session that has an open temporary file - the gigabytes add
> quickly if you have large datasets (when you are also more likely to
> kill a session because it is completely stuck).
> Best regards,
> Erik.
> --
> Erik �. S�rensen,  <>.
> phd student (economics), Norwegian School of Economics.
> currently visiting Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario.
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Pete Huckelba
[email protected]

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