Hung-Jen Wang
> > Revising history is best left
> > to science fiction writers and, indeed,
> > historians.
> Well put, Nick. But if I may, I want to emphasize that the reason I
> wish to change values of e(b) is only for the purpose of
> exploring the
> data and properties of an estimator which is a function of the
> predicted values. Please spare me with the details. (I know
> what I am
> doing.)
> So, from a pure technical point of view, is it possible to change
> values of e(b)?
I believe not. You can read from it but not
write to it directly.
I attempted to indicate from a Stata point of view why this is
the case. e(b) is a (transient) historical record: providing
a way to change it directly would be providing a tool with
which users could get confused, directly or indirectly.
The best place to look is probably the Stata Programming Manual, under -[P]
estimates-. I suspect -estimates repost- is part of the solution that
Hung-Jen Wang is looking for.