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st: -distplot- of multiple variables with variable used as symbol

From   Roger Harbord <[email protected]>
To   StataList <[email protected]>
Subject   st: -distplot- of multiple variables with variable used as symbol
Date   Wed, 04 Dec 2002 11:09:09 -0000

I've encountered some strange behaviour in Nick Cox's program -distplot- published in STB-51. It won't let me plot the distribution functions of more than one variable AND use another variable to label the points, although I can do either alone.

I'll use the automobile data to demonstrate so others can try to replicate the problem, although there's little purpose to the commands in this context - with my real data I'm comparing two distributions graphically and hoped to label the points so I can identify outliers at the same time (mainly for presentation purposes):

. use "C:\Program Files\StataSE\auto.dta"
(1978 Automobile Data)

. distplot length, c(J) s([rep78])

. * (worked fine)

. distplot length displacement, c(JJ) s(oo)

. * (also worked fine)

. distplot length displacement, c(JJ) s([rep78]o)
variable rep78 not found

. * Just to check I've got the syntax right in the s() option :
. graph length displacement weight, c(JJ) s([rep78]o)

. * (worked fine though a mess of a graph!)

. * describe my setup :

. which distplot
*! version 1.5.0 NJC 24 March 1999 [STB-51: gr41]

. about

Stata/SE 7.0 for Windows 98/95/NT
Born 11 June 2002
Copyright (C) 1985-2002

Total physical memory: 261668 KB
Available physical memory: 112792 KB

. update query

Stata executable
folder: C:\Program Files\StataSE\
name of file: wsestata.exe
currently installed: 11 June 2002
latest available: 11 Jun 2002

Ado-file updates
folder: C:\Program Files\StataSE\ado\updates\
names of files: (various)
currently installed: 08 Nov 2002
latest available: 08 Nov 2002

Do nothing; all files up-to-date.

Anyone any idea what's going wrong here? That error message seems most bizarre to me - how can Stata suddenly not be able to find rep78 ??


Roger Harbord mailto:[email protected]
Department of Social Medicine, University of Bristol

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