> I am hoping to create a graph which is an X by Y matrix. Each cell is
> shaded according to the percentage of observations in that cell (in some
> sense this is a table in graphical form). Does anyone have any ideas how
> to approach this in stata? Maybe an example will help:
> X is industries, Y is occupations: the graph would look like this where
> letters represent shadings based on the % in each cell
> 1 2 3 4
> ---------------------------------
> 1 | lllll | lllll | mmm | mmm |
> ---------------------------------
> 2 | dddd | ddd | lllll | mmm |
> ---------------------------------
> 3 | llllll | mmm | llll | ddd |
> ---------------------------------
> 4 | dddd | mmm | dddd | llllll |
> ---------------------------------
> Or is the easier to do in excel?
What is excel? As far as I understand this, you have two variables (x and y)
with just a few categories. If so, you might try heavy jittering. Something
. graph y x, yline(0.5(1)4.5) xline(0.5(1)4.5) xlab(1(1)4) ylab(1(1)4) /*
*/ jitter(20) xscale(0,5) yscale(0,5)
(Fiddle around with the number in jitter. It can be between up to 30. -help
grtwoway- states that jitter(5) is already large)
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