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st: tab2 is very hard to read in log-file

From   "Renzo Comolli" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: tab2 is very hard to read in log-file
Date   Fri, 22 Nov 2002 10:50:02 -0500

Dear Statalist memebers,

If I write
. tab2  health sex, column
the output on screen looks great (as here below), but the output in the
log file looks unreadable (as furhter below)
How can I fix the log file so that the output looks like the on from the
Thank you in advance.
Renzo Comolli

-> tabulation of health by sex  

 condition |    respondents sex
 of health |      male     female |     Total
 excellent |      1057        746 |      1803 
           |     37.66      37.32 |     37.52 
      good |      1380       1008 |      2388 
           |     49.16      50.43 |     49.69 
      fair |       341        223 |       564 
           |     12.15      11.16 |     11.74 
      poor |        29         22 |        51 
           |      1.03       1.10 |      1.06 
     Total |      2807       1999 |      4806 
           |    100.00     100.00 |    100.00 

{com}. tab2  health sex, column

{res}-> tabulation of health by sex  

 {txt}condition {c |}    respondents sex
 of health {c |}      male     female {c |}     Total
{hline 11}{c +}{hline 22}{c +}{hline 10}
 excellent {c |}{res}      1057        746 {txt}{c |}{res}      1803 
           {txt}{c |}{res}     37.66      37.32 {txt}{c |}{res}
{txt}{hline 11}{c +}{hline 22}{c +}{hline 10}
      good {c |}{res}      1380       1008 {txt}{c |}{res}      2388 
           {txt}{c |}{res}     49.16      50.43 {txt}{c |}{res}
{txt}{hline 11}{c +}{hline 22}{c +}{hline 10}
      fair {c |}{res}       341        223 {txt}{c |}{res}       564 
           {txt}{c |}{res}     12.15      11.16 {txt}{c |}{res}
{txt}{hline 11}{c +}{hline 22}{c +}{hline 10}
      poor {c |}{res}        29         22 {txt}{c |}{res}        51 
           {txt}{c |}{res}      1.03       1.10 {txt}{c |}{res}
{txt}{hline 11}{c +}{hline 22}{c +}{hline 10}
     Total {c |}{res}      2807       1999 {txt}{c |}{res}      4806 
           {txt}{c |}{res}    100.00     100.00 {txt}{c |}{res}

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