Introduction first - my name's pretty obvious from my email address, as my
work location. Basically I'm a biologist who limps along with undergraduate
statistics when interpreting experiment results (and to design experiments
that can reasonably be analyzed statistically). I use Stata at work, and at
home when I'm either behind a deadline or noodling with something on the
My home computer has a bunch of partitions on the hard drive, and I
installed Stata to the H:\ partition. There is no C:\ drive on the
computer… its F:\, G:\, and H:\ (Windows box - to be clear) The problem
comes when I want to download an ado file from the Technical Bulletins or
the like. Stata can't install it, because the little script? seems to
expect to find the right directories on C:\. I've manually gotten around
this by munging my way into the file directory where the ado files are
stored on the remote server and then copying them into the right
subdirectory on my computer. Is there a way to tell Stata, or the script,
that C:\ should be H:\ on my computer?
Thanks for any replies
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* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/