Findit reveals some useful programs for post-estimation results and
for summarize (and for a few other commands), but I haven't found
anything for converting cross tabs results into LaTeX code and would
appreciate some advice on this.
One possibility might be to use the -dotex- command, which executes a Stata
do-file and outputs the log as a TeX file compatible with SJ LaTeX (ie a
LaTeX style used by The Stata Journal). Another possibility might be to use
-collapse- instead of -tabulate-, and then output the resulting data set to
a file of TeX-compatible table rows using the -listtex- command. You can
then write your own table preamble and insert (or \input) the file of table
rows. To find out more about these two possibilities, type -findit dotex-
and -findit listtex-. There are probably other ways you might like to
explore by typing -findit tex-.