Dear Stata user,
A user in the Netherlands came with the following question:
At this moment I'm busy with a project in which the following two
variables are modeled:
- consumer is buying (1) or not buying (0) in a certain period in a certain
product category
- amount spend by a consumer in a certain period in a certain product
I'm modelling this with random effects probit and tobit models for
paneldata. I want to estimate different kind of these models and compare
them. Is it possible with stata to estimate:
- static random effects tobit and probit model
- dynamic random effects tobit and probit model with exogeneous initial
- dynamic random effects tobit and probit model with a static tobit
respectively probit equation for the initial period
- dynamic correlated random effects tobit and probit model with a static
tobit respectively probit equation for the initial period
I have already seen that the static models belongs to the standard
but how about the other models. Is it possible with Stata to estimate these
models. If so, do I have to program these models by myself?
I hope you can answer my questions. It would help me a lot.
Looking for a solution.
Kind regards,
Jan Smit
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